As I write this article, the world seems as if it has been turned upside down and filled with uncertainty. Anxiety fills homes and we are forced to focus on ourselves, family and slowing down. This is a time where many feel as if they are helpless and stagnant. I want our service men and women to know that it’s okay to slow down and it’s important to be vulnerable. It’s okay to ask for help, and to reach out to friends and loved ones to say I am not okay. Vulnerability is power, and acknowledging the need to reach out and be vulnerable is truly heroic. Please, during these strange times don’t withdraw. It’s imperative to make every effort to find peace, support and love within your network. We are in this together and together we will push through. Now is a great time to get to know yourself, and truly understand what it is you want in your life. Find the things you love to do and begin to create goals that support you in creating the life you want. Through vulnerability, love and acceptance we can withstand the toughest of times. We can’t fix everything and we can’t save everyone. The most important thing to realize is each one of us as an individual is worthy of creating the life we want. Take care of yourself because healing begins within and has a ripple effect in creating peace everywhere you go. We are proud to have created such patriotism within our local communities and remember it is okay to ask for support. Let the givers give, everyone has that right and it’s important to receive those gifts with open arms without the need to reciprocate. Thank you all for your service, and many thanks to all the businesses who have chosen to become a part of our mission and support those who have given so much for our country. You are part of a wonderful community patriotism and support. God Bless America and please stay safe.

James Benway
USCG Retired / Founder SUPVETS